Here Are 4 Steps To Building An Engineering Skills Map

Considering a job change as a software engineer? While engineering talent and recruiting is always a hot topic in the Bay Area technology community, just what skills make an engineer considered top talent? How do hiring needs at top companies also evolve?

The team at STELLARES launched Skills Mapper, a tool that allows engineers to take a look at how technical skills trend over time and see where their skills stack up. For developers interested in new roles, STELLARES has taken google searching out of the process – and analyzed what the trends in online job descriptions are by domain, sharing which skills they should pick up to optimize for compatibility with future jobs.

Checking out the Skills Mapper, engineers can find out which languages are most in demand by hiring managers. In a survey of 300,000 job descriptions, STELLARES assessed the languages that are most desired, and also contextualized skills for different engineering domains.

What they found could be a useful tool in the job search and in career planning. Doing a simple search to understand the skills required and acquired by full-stack developers, here’s what we found.

First, we see trends around React, AngularJS and Vue.js for full-stack developers:

We can see similar trends on both platforms for the above mentioned skills. Since the data from Google Trends is from the last five years, as opposed to the data from the STELLARES’ Skill Mapper, which is from the last two and a half years, only the second half of the Google Trends graph is relevant for this comparison. For the period of the last two and a half years, the data on both graphs is quite similar – just a lot more easier to access than with a google search!

Building a new skill mapping technology was a process STELLARES took over 30 months, and they monitored the trends over time. Throughout this research, STELLARES found a way to determine not only what skills are useful to engineers, but also how to help engineers up the career ladder. Although the trends are still changing, STELLARES’ AI bot for hiring at top tech companies reflects this emphasis on matching skills to the jobs with the best fit. Their tool is built to help guide engineers to the right team.

STELLARES published their Skills Mapper in May, and have already started placing candidates that used the tool to understand their position in the marketplace. With their hands in the hiring process, the company is continuing to build on the learning recommendations.

If you want to get a strong applicant profile as an engineer, with a clear understanding of how your skills compare to the market demands, then this is the product for you.

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