How many times at jobs or term projects are you out of money? You are told to make a budget project instead of what you had in mind. In sheer frustration, you have to proceed with a scaled down project and remain disgruntled long after that. These budget cuts are everywhere from our health insurance plans to office safety equipment. But, engineers are adept learners and they get used to these annoying requirements with a little bit of ridiculous skullduggery that ranges from genius to cheeky.
Here are some of the things engineers do when asked for budget measures:
1. Fire Extinguishers
When there is no money to service the existing fire extinguishers.
2. Coolest Rims Ever
No money for those hot rims? You could draw them out!
3. Budget Selfie Stand
One badass selfiest we have got here!
4. The Best Car Mount for you Smartphone
Sometimes one rubber band is all it takes to end all of your problems!
5. The Quickest Form of Transportation.
Somebody knows how to use the wind to his advantage.
6. Live jump Rope
No jump rope at P.T? No worries. Pick the slimmest girl and use her like this!
7. Fairy on a Christmas Tree
That’s the Ugliest Fairy Ever
8. Convert your Laptop into a Mac
This never gets old!
9. We’re paying just for the logo, right? So draw it yourself.
10. World’s only indoor landfill
Yeah hard to see the reason behind its existence. Why not name it a dustbin?
11. Budget Piano
These lessons could come really cheap. Bad thing you can only learn 5 tunes in all.