We have compiled a list of 100 tech hacks that every person must know owing to the age we are living in. However, we thought that reading 100 hacks in one go would be too much, therefore have broken it up into 5 parts-series. What follows is part 2 of the tech hack series.
20. You can visit www.howlongtoreadthis.com for estimating how long it will take you to finish a book.
19. Using www.ninite.com allows you to install multiple programs at once! 
18. You can calculate the best time for sleeping and waking up by visiting www.sleepyti.me. 
17. You can make use of a LEGO mini-figure as a cable holder.
16. Sugru is similar to Play-Doh substance, however, it is stronger, resistant to heat, flexible and durable.
15. Watch age restricted YouTube videos without signing in by adding ‘nsfw’ before ‘youtube.com’.
Example: http://www.nsfwyoutube.com/watch?v=6LZM3_wp2ps
Alternatively, replace watch?v= with v/. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LZM3_wp2ps to http://www.youtube.com/v/6LZM3_wp2ps.
14. Use a camera to confirm whether the remote control emits a light when pressed to ascertain if it’s working or not. 
13. Project Naptha is a browser extension that allows you to select, copy, modify, erase, and translate text in images.
12. On calculator, the C (clear) button is to clear all entry, whereas the CE (clear entry) button is to clear the most recent entry only.
11. You can amplify iPad speaker with tennis ball.
10. Use wall hooks to attach iPad to the wall.
9. Google “[food] vs [food]” to compare nutritional values.
8. No description needed.
7. In Windows, create a new folder and name it “Control Panel Shortcuts.{ed7ba470-8e54-465e-825c-99712043e01c}”. Access any control settings in the folder.
6. Find expensive stuff for cheap on Craigslist using the following search terms:
- divorce
- wife
- husband
- new baby
- pcs
- Kia
- health
- surgery
- moving
These listings are usually from Craigslist sellers trying to offload stuff for cheap.
5. Broken keyboard feet? Replace them with binder clips.
4. Test battery easily by dropping it few inches from the ground. A fully charged battery bounces very little, whereas a dead battery bounces around.
3. At website login pages, you can view masked passwords by changing the password input type as text.
2. Ambient music to boost your productivity:
Open the following links separately and enjoy!
EndlessVideo.com – Turnabout Jazz Soul – Track 8 – Godot – The Fragrance of Dark Coffee
1. Need to jot down something quickly? Open a temporary notepad in your browser by typing “data:text/html, <html contenteditable>” into the address bar.
Remember to bookmark and rename it as Notepad.