Be ready as robots are soon going to invade your household as well. They have already made a place in factories and it is now time for them to automate your daily chores as well. We have compiled a list of robots that you must have to help you around the house in daily chores.
The vacuum cleaner Robot
This one is quite common by now in many countries. The small cylindrical robot is provided by number of manufacturers, namely iRobot and pure clean. iRobot provides a range of cleaning robots , all you have to do is press a single button and the machine cleans your living room.
You can get one here
Gutter Cleaner

iRobot initially made this one. No need for you to re-position your ladder multiple times and get into dangerous positions, these robots do it for you.Watch the video below to see a sample. You can get one here
Pool Cleaners
These are again readily available and quite popular. Multiple manufacturers such as Dolphin, Hayward and iRobot deal with almost similar products. This automatically detects the length and width of your pool and then all you have to do is sit back and relax! You can get one here
Window Cleaning Robots
These are similar to vacuum ones in many ways but they can clean vertically on windows as well. They certainly come in handy when you have tall windows to scrub and places where your hand might just not reach. You can get one here
Ping Pong Robots
Interested in playing ping pong but have no partner to practice??. Well Say no more, you can get a robot to play with you for under 300$. The basic version throws the ball at you with the speed,spin and position you want it to so you can practice your backhand smashes or forehand chops all day long. You can get one here
Robotic Lawnmower
Just like pool & automatic vacuum cleaners they too only require a push of a button. Price range varies between 500 to 900$, multiple manufacturers make them which include Robomow,Worx and LawnBott. You can get one here
Telepresence Robots
There are chiefly two types, with LCD which project your picture and others without LCD which only give your sound. They present an easy way to look around your home when you are away, iRobot has two in this category, one is ConnectR(shown in the pic) and the other Ava 500. You can get one here
Home Security Robots
You do not need worry about your house while you are on vacation anymore. These bots come fully equipped with alarms and even say “police,freeze” if an intruder is detected. Some can even control locks on your house remotely. You can get one here
Robo Clock
Having trouble getting up in the morning??Well there is a robot for that too. These robots give you one chance to snooze the alarm after which they run away so you would have to find them to turn off the alarm. You can get one here
Mini Humanoids
You know you can get a Humanoid robot for around 400$ ?. That’s really cheap considering what functions they can perform and how sophisticated they are. Complicated voice commands, smart phone control everything is possible. It is little sad that these humanoids are only considered a toy, but if you believe in experts such as Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, then you would know that they can play a major part in our lives in years to come. You can get one here