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Harvard Student Is Traveling Across America On Google Street View To Beat Lockdown Blues

A 19 years old Harvard student is cruising around the country on google street view while staying at the convenience of his place. “The crazy stuff Coronavirus has us doing.” As other academic institutes, Harvard has announced to conduct online classes till 2021 as well, and Schultz has all the time for street view traveling.

People are trying these new ideas or what we call fulfilling a long-held dream as no one knows what to do with all the time they have.

Everyone’s daily routines are effected immensely, Uday Schultz is no different and decided to take a cross-country tour on google maps. The 19-year-old wanted to travel across the country since middle school. Odds not being in his favor as he does not own a car for now, and the pandemic is in full swing in the U.S, the only possible way to take this tour was through google street view. “Something is always better than nothing,” Schultz said.

It was 19 of the June when Schultz started his journey sitting idle somewhere in his Brooklyn house. He opened Seattle in the street view and started clicking his way back home.

Coronavirus has us all going crazy, not getting to meet with family and friends while staying in isolation for months now has not been easy for anyone. Human beings are classified as social animals, and the pandemic hindered our socializing instinct on every level.

Schultz came up with this marvelous idea of making the max out of google street view while everyone else was struggling to fight the boredom with the help of video calls, Gaming, Netflix, etc. It was not just that Schultz did this out of boredom instead, it’s one of his research projects.

He took the northern route as it involves industrial, transportation, and energy infrastructures, seeing all the ruins and scrapyards alongside is also what he wanted to do for a long time now. After been clicking for a month and taking quick detours to the famous places from where he is clicking, he has reached 60 miles northwest of Duluth.

This might not sound appealing to a lot as not being physically at a place doesn’t count for you to have traveled that place; moreover, people who love to take pictures won’t be much happy with the idea. However, on some level, we all are living the same life for months, and everything that we used to do by going out is mainly done through the digital screens.

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