If you are old enough to remember Windows 98, you should also remember how good of an operating system it was. Obviously not comparable to Windows 10 but it was a massive improvement over its predecessor Windows 95.
Well, even if you agree that it was a great operating system, you would never dare use it now. Time doesn’t travel backward, does it? A brave adventurer gave this ancient operating system a go for his daily tasks, and you will be amazed at its performance.
The Oldtech 81 decided to install the two-decade-old operating system in a Compaq Armada e500 laptop, which by today’s standard is more of a brick than a laptop. After making some efforts for the computer to boot up properly, he ran Windows 98, which worked fine. Why wouldn’t it?

The question is, could it perform the daily tasks without a hitch? You might not expect it to, but it did. The basic applications like Word and Excel worked alright. The tasks like listening to music and watching movies brought no complications either.
Web browsing in today’s world is much different from how it was done a couple of decades back. To expand the system’s compatibility, he installed KernelEx, and the old machine started running Opera 11 browser. It seems alright for some decent web browsing but does not suffice for Gmail and YouTube to load properly. However, he easily downloaded videos from YouTube using websites like KeepVid to play locally on the system. Forums like Reddit were also as usable as of today.
Using Microsoft Word and the casual web browsing are not the only tasks that we perform daily, are they? So Oldtech81 brought back the PC games like Duke Nukem, Carmageddon, and Grand Theft Auto which also ran smoothly. All in all, it was a nostalgic run.
We are pretty sure that you would not be tempted to do this at home but in case you do, you know what to expect.