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Guy Runs His Car Into A Pool Of 12,000 Litres Of Coca Cola To Clean Off The Rust


YouTube is getting crazier and crazier by each passing day, and you will agree with me once you watch today’s video of a car being driven into 12,000 litres of coke. An eccentric Latvian elderly man thought that making a 12,000-litre makeshift pool would be fun, so he went ahead and started the project on his farm.

After digging the hole, near Sheder, south-east Latvia, he lined it up with a thick plastic foil, and then poured an astounding 6,000 two-liter bottles of Coke into it; you know just everyday business.

His initial plan was to pour 88 pounds of baking soda into the Coke pool, but when he discovered that the anticipated spectacular chemical reaction fizzled out rather quickly, he decided to run his old and rusty Audi 80 into the pool to watch if the Coke would clean the rust as many people claim it does.


Grandad fills pool with 12,000 litres of Coke then drives his car in to get rid of RUST

It seems as though many views on the video did not rack up due to the project itself, but because of the comical events that ensued. The old man got excited and put his foot on the accelerator a bit too much, which made the car jump off and hit the other side of the pit rather than directly inside the pool. The mere fact that the car was pulled out using a tractor afterwards is enough to suggest that he wrecked his trusted old friend along with $2,250 spent on the misadventure.

Let’s hope that his video can rack up enough views so that he can recover some part of this money!

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