Self-driving cars was a groundbreaking concept that changed the entire perspective of transportation. The latest innovation in the transport industry is the self-driving room which is much more fascinating, more mind-boggling, and more exciting than the self-driving cars.
A Canadian mechanical engineer, Charles Bombardier collaborated with the Indian vehicle designer Ashish Thulkar, the designer of the drone balconies, to develop the concept of Tridika. Tridika is a living pod that doubles as a mag-lev vehicle. The idea of the self-driving living room was the result of a quest to answer the question:
“Why shouldn’t people use their vehicles for purposes other than transport?”

Bombardier drew inspiration for moving from the Willy Wonka-esque elevator designed by Thyssenkrupp that could travel sideways as well as go up and down. Tridika will be a self-driving vehicle traveling on the maglev track. When not in use, the driverless pod could double as additional living space by parking it next to an apartment.

Bombardier also envisions Tridika as a portable office of the future that could accommodate up to six people. The idea of the driverless living room could easily be brought to life since the maglev technology is already in use and the design of the pod is not a significant technical challenge. The only hurdle would be to find the builders who would consent to adding the maglev tracks to their structures and then convince the future residents to invest in a self-driving pod.

The fact that most of the time, the average consumer car is just parked and is never in use makes it only logical to put that extra space to some useful purpose. The concept of Tridika is also an excellent way to add more space to the cramped urban developments while solving the problem of limited parking space.