Almost everyone of us has been guilty of possessing those funky solar watches from childhood days but seems like world has more to offer us these days. A San Francisco-based startup called LunaR have recently succeeded in developing a smartwatch that, unlike its previous power-hungry-forever version, is self charging.

Much of the functionality that we’ve come to expect from today’s smartwatches are offered by the LunaR. On the outside, it appears rather traditional timepiece with a simplistic watch face. However, the watch can be integrated with smartphones using an app that comes with it, enabling it to track sleep, activity, social media and messaging notifications and much more.

Its most amazing feature, however, is a clear solar panel, layered over the face of the watch. It is claimed that the LunaR is able to harvest energy from natural as well as artificial sources using the clear solar panel. Even with as little as one hour of daily exposure to light, the 110-mAh lithium-polymer battery remains fully charged.

The watch is also able to update the time automatically by using location indicated by its GPS. It can also display sunrise and sunset automatically and it can also be integrated to apps like Apple Health, Google Health etc. One of the many amazing qualities of the watch also include its water proofing (up to 50m).

If you rather feel like charging it in the conventional way, it has its own USB charger as well.
Check out the video to find out more about the LunaR.