Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, claims that Instagram makes people depressed while Twitter makes them furious.
Musk challenged his Twitter followers on which site was preferable on Sunday, tweeting: “Instagram depresses people, and Twitter infuriates them. Which is better?”
One Twitter account said that Twitter makes them laugh rather than upset. Musk responded by stating he laughs a lot on Twitter.
Musk has previously expressed doubts about Instagram. Musk stated on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast in 2018 that one of the problems with social media is that “people appear to have a far better life than they really do.”

Musk stated on the show that Instagram might make people appear more attractive and happier than they are.
He said that seeing attractive and happy people on social media can make people think, “I’m not that attractive, and I’m not that happy. So I must suck.”

Musk, who paid $44 billion for Twitter last year, has also questioned whether people should use social media less.
Musk responded to a Twitter user who shared a 2021 report by the Survey Center on American Life, which revealed that people’s social networks had diminished over the last three decades, saying, “Maybe we should spend less time on social media?”