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Drone Video Reveals The Horrific Aftermath Of The Volkswagen Buyback

VW thousands

So this is what typical America is all about! Create hysteria about emissions, cost the company a fortune in money and repute, and then shrug off your shoulders when asked about what to do with the thousands of buyback cars!

And while the Volkswagen cars are being held to save the environment, no one really cares about the environmental ramifications of the scrapping hundreds of thousands of cheating diesel Volkswagens. This is even scarier when you think about the sheer scale of the task, as shown by the drone video below shooting a massive horde of parked VWs parked, waiting for their fate.

The video has been uploaded from Michigan’s abandoned Pontiac Silverdome, by a YouTuber using a drone. The saddest thing here is that every single car is perfectly fine, ready to be driven away but will probably be rusted into oblivion as the legal tug of war on their fate continues.

The ‘scandal’ was that Volkswagen found a way to, not cheat, but work around the rules. They developed a computer program that when it sensed the parameters of a Govt. testing course, it defaulted into a hyper eco program. Now if they crush these cars, it will cost more resources and create many more times the emissions than these cars would have ever created!

I really do hope we can find a way not to scrap these beauts. I would gladly pick up one of these loaded up, leather interior and heated seats and fade away into the sunset!

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