Ever since Elon Musk gave the idea of a Hyperloop transport, it has gained a lot of traction and a number of companies have embraced the concept and are working to make it a reality. One such startup is the Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT).
HTT has been signing deals to explore the potential of high-speed transport routes all around the world. However, it does not have much to show when it comes to functioning prototypes and test tracks. That is about to change as well as the company welcomed tubes to make up its first test track in Toulouse, France.

HTT Chairman Bibop Gresta said: “We have agreements in place in nine countries where we’re working on feasibility and regulations. We have a research center for freight and logistics in Brazil and a facility in Toulouse where we’ll deliver the first full-scale passenger capsule. Hyperloop is no longer a concept, it has become a commercial industry.”
HTT has made agreements with governments from the US to South Korea and all the way from India to Slovakia to study the feasibility of the Hyperloop system. The company announced plans to build a passenger track in California back in 2015, but there still has been no progress on that.

The company is now focused on building a new test track in Toulouse and the company’s social channels shared photos of a truck carrying pieces of the tube into the facility. The tube has a diameter of 4m and is built to accompany both passenger capsules and shipping containers. They will be assembled into a 320-meter (1,050 ft) long system that HTT says will be operational this year.
Meanwhile, it will begin construction of a larger, full-scale system measuring 1 km long on 5.8 meters tall pylons, which it expects to be completed by 2019. It says it is also nearing completion of a full-scale passenger pod, which will be delivered to the facility from Spain in the local summertime.
“Five years ago we set out to solve transportation’s most pressing problems; efficiency, comfort, and speed,” said HTT CEO Dirk Ahlborn. “Today we take an important step forward to begin to achieve that goal. Hyperloop is more than just displays of rapid acceleration and more than just breaking speed records. The real opportunity is to create an efficient and safe system with an unparalleled passenger experience.”
HTT plans to hold a public unveiling at the Toulouse facility sometime later in 2018. You can check out the new promo video below.