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Coca Cola Introduces A Cooler That Doesn’t Need Electricity To Chill Your Drink

Coca Cola Bio Cooler

Welcome to Colombia where in the town of Aipir, the temperature averages in at 45ºC. One would believe that to survive in such a hot town, electricity must be a basic necessity that has been provided to all the residents; you are wrong. The town folks, broadly speaking, do not have access to electricity or at least access to reliable supply of it. There goes your idea of grabbing an ice cold beverage from the fridge.Coca Cola Bio Cooler 4

However, this was the case until Coca Cola and the Leo Burnett Colombia advertising agency decided to do something about it and have, as a result, introduced a gadget known as ‘Bio Cooler’, which is capable of chilling cans of Coke without employing electricity. Another collaborator in this project is the International Physics Centre in Bogota.

A short video has been released by the Leo Burnett ad agency, which talks about this particular gadget and how it works by employing 2 methods; the first method involves a compartment which is located on top of the gadget and contains plants and soil whereas the Coke cans are placed in a chamber below. Once the plants are watered; most of the water gets evaporated resulting in a cooling effect on the chamber down below.Coca Cola Bio Cooler 2

The second method that has been incorporated involves using the heat from sun and a mirror to convert a gas (unnamed so far) into liquid and the cooling effect by liquid’s circulation around the chamber is harnessed.Coca Cola Bio Cooler 3

Coca Cola has recently also introduced 16 new caps for its bottles that will allow you to see recycling as a whole new thing for Vietnam. It would seem that Coca Cola is targeting a specific audience and designing gadgets as per the audience’s needs and requirements. Check out the video below for more:

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