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China Unveils It’s Own Man Made Replica Of The Niagara Falls

China has unveiled a man-made waterfall in the city of Kunming in Yunnan province. The structure was constructed in three years and is almost 1,300ft wide while featuring a scenic skyline of Kunming as a backdrop. The cost of the project is about $170 million and it also sports a small park that has viewing areas, which are free to public.
China Unveils The Latest Artificial Waterfall

The artificial waterfall was built to carry out the task of diverting water from Niulan River into the Dianchi Lake – the biggest freshwater lake in Yunnan. It pumps out around 10.6 million cubic feet of fresh water into this lake. What is this waterfall really accomplishing? It is reducing the occurrence of flood in Niulan River while reserving water for emergencies.

China is fighting two crucial problems; air pollution and water quality. Almost 60% of China’s underground water is polluted and locals prefer boiling water or purchasing bottled water when it comes to consumption of water. This project is aimed at helping out with the water shortages.

This site will not only work as a contingency plan for droughts but also doubles up as a national park and an attraction for tourists and natives alike.

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