No one likes long working hours, right? It is a tad bit better when you are sitting but working for so long, continuously standing on your feet is considerably more tiring. Swiss studio Sapetty has created the ‘Chairless Chair‘; a flexible exoskeleton which allows you to sit anywhere without the need of a chair. The wearable exoskeleton lets you walk freely but whenever you crouch or squat, it provides sitting support to the body.

Apparently you are standing but, you are sitting as well. Confusing isn’t it?
The ‘chairless chair’ was designed by studio Sapetti, the company that calls itself the world’s first supplier of “Wearable Ergonomic Mechatronic Devices (WEMDs).” The first product from the company is the exoskeleton meant for wearing in manufacturing environments where workers stand for long hours and traditional chairs are just obstacles. The physical strain caused due to continuously standing can be significantly reduced which will protect the worker’s joints pain, reduces absences, and in the long term, stop early retirements of people.

The exoskeleton can be fitted to a wide variety of work footwear, and you can adjust the frame to suit your shape and size. The company collaborated with Engineers Zühlke to develop the product over a period of two years working closely with employees from automotive companies like AUDI, Seat, škoda, BMW, Daimler AG, and Renault to get a better understanding of the different factory environments and the needs of their workers.

Founder studio Sapetti, Marc Sapetti commented on their design, “With the chairless chair, Noonee’s clients cannot only improve the ergonomic environment for their employees by improving body posture, but also solve and prevent certain occupational health and safety challenges, and provide age-appropriate working conditions for their aging employees.”

Watch the exoskeleton in use in the video below.