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Boeing Wins Massive Contract To Turn Dumb Bombs Into Guided Weapons

Securing a substantial contract valued at around $7.5 billion from the US Department of Defense, Boeing is tasked with manufacturing Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits. These kits are instrumental in converting conventional bombs into precision-guided munitions, thereby enhancing the Air Force’s aerial bombing capabilities. Boeing’s obligations under the contract include producing JDAM tail kits, spare parts, repairs, technical support, and Laser JDAM sensor kits at its facility located in St. Louis, Missouri.

While the exact quantity of JDAM kits to be delivered remains undisclosed by the Air Force, the contract stipulates a delivery timeframe extending until the end of February 2030. In addition to fulfilling Air Force requirements, a portion of the JDAM kits will be allocated to the US Navy, with some earmarked for foreign customers, backed by over $228 million from foreign military sales funds.

JDAM technology integrates Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System guidance into existing bombs, enhancing targeting accuracy across diverse weather conditions and target types. These precision-guided munitions can be deployed from aircraft at distances of up to 15 miles from the target, providing warfighters with enhanced capabilities for precise weapon delivery.

Boeing also offers advanced JDAM variants, including Laser JDAM and Powered JDAM, which feature additional capabilities tailored for improved effectiveness against moving and maritime targets. The cost of JDAM units varies depending on specifications and configurations, ranging from $25,000 to $84,000 per unit.

The Pentagon’s decision to grant the contract to Boeing underscores the persistent demand for cutting-edge munitions to bolster military efforts and sustain dominance in contested regions. Investing in JDAM technology is a strategic move by the US and its allies to ensure they have sufficient reserves and the necessary capabilities to effectively confront emerging security threats.

JDAMs are highly valued by the US military and its allies for their versatility and proven combat performance. These precision-guided munitions play a critical role in modern military operations, especially in regions with heightened tensions, such as the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and escalating Indo-Pacific tensions involving China. Boeing has already produced over half a million JDAM tail kits for distribution to the US and its partner forces, including the Air Force, Navy, and Marines.

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