Bicycle Accident Insurance Claims: Understanding Coverage And Process

Picture this: You’re enjoying a leisurely bike ride through the charming streets of Bakersfield, feeling the warm sun on your face and relishing the freedom of the open road. As you approach an intersection, you carefully check for oncoming traffic and signal your intent to turn right. But, in the blink of an eye, a distracted driver fails to notice you and collides with your bike, leaving you with injuries and your bicycle damaged. Bicycle accidents like this can happen when motorists neglect to pay attention to cyclists or disregard their right of way. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, Bakersfield reported 189 bicycle collisions in 2020 alone. When these unfortunate accidents occur, it’s crucial to understand the process of filing an insurance claim to protect your rights and seek compensation for injuries and damages. 

If you are involved in a bicycle accident in Bakersfield, understanding your insurance coverage and the steps involved in making a claim can be overwhelming. However, it’s essential to act promptly and, after an accident, get legal help to ensure you navigate the complexities of the claims process effectively. This blog post will explore the various insurance coverages available for bicycle accidents and shed light on the claim process.

Types Of Bicycle Insurance Coverage 

Bicycles have their own pros and cons, and several types of bicycle accident insurance coverage may apply depending on the circumstances and policy provisions:

  1. Personal Injury Protection (PIP): PIP covers medical expenses for injuries sustained in a bike crash, regardless of fault. In no-fault states like Florida and Michigan, PIP is mandatory for drivers and applies to injured bicyclists if they have auto insurance.
  2. Bodily Injury Liability (BIL): BIL covers injury damages for which you are legally responsible if you cause harm to another person while biking. For example, if you collide with another cyclist due to distraction or disobeying traffic laws, resulting in medical bills or lost wages for the injured party.
  3. Property Damage Liability (PDL): PDL pays for accidental property damage during bike crashes, often involving motor vehicles. This coverage helps with costs like repairing broken bikes or damaged car windows.
  4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Protection (UIM): UIM provides coverage if the at-fault driver lacks adequate liability insurance, protecting cyclists against hit-and-run drivers or drivers with insufficient coverage.
  5. Bicycles Covered by Homeowners’ Insurance: Some homeowners’ insurance policies cover bikes, offering financial protection against theft or damage, both on and off your property.
  6. Umbrella Policies: Umbrella policies offer additional liability protection, typically above $100,000, complementing your other insurance policies under specific conditions.

Steps In Filing A Bicycle Insurance Claim

If you need help navigating these types of claims through individual insurers post-accident, then follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Regardless of the perceived severity of your injuries, getting evaluated by a healthcare provider promptly after the accident is crucial.
  2. File a Police Report: Contact law enforcement and report the incident, providing the necessary details. Take note of officers’ names and badge numbers for future reference.
  3. Gather Evidence: Document the scene with photos of vehicle or bicycle damage, skid marks, license plates, and nearby traffic signs, as these can be valuable evidence for your claim.
  4. Exchange Information: Obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of all involved parties and witnesses to support your case.
  5. Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance provider about the accident, but only discuss the details once you consult legal counsel.
  6. Consult with a Bicycle Accident Attorney: Hiring an experienced attorney will help build a strong case and handle any defenses raised against your claim.
  7. Negotiation Phase: Before trial, a negotiation process may occur with opposing parties to seek a fair resolution for your claim.

Factors That May Affect A Claim Settlement

Navigating the intricacies of an insurance claim after a bicycle accident involves understanding several key factors that can influence the settlement you might receive. Here’s a breakdown of these critical considerations:

  • Extent and Severity of Injuries: The severity of your injuries directly affects the compensation you may receive. Insurance companies analyze medical expenses, lost wages, and the physical and emotional toll of pain and suffering to determine the settlement amount.
  • Allocation of Fault and Liability Laws: The determination of fault and the relevant liability laws play a vital role. Bicycle laws differ between states, and adherence to local cycling regulations is crucial for your case, even in no-fault areas.
  • Statute of Limitations: Filing a lawsuit within a specific time frame, defined by the statute of limitations, is essential. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed by the defendants’ lawyers.
  • Legal Guidance: Seeking assistance from experienced bicycle accident attorneys is pivotal. Their expertise can significantly impact the outcome of your insurance claim, ensuring you receive equitable compensation for your injuries and losses.

Being well-informed about these factors and consulting with knowledgeable legal professionals can greatly enhance your chances of securing a fair settlement and achieving a favorable resolution after a bicycle accident.


Bicycle accident insurance coverage can provide financial protection if you’re injured or suffer property damage while riding or walking. Laws differ per state. However, it is paramount to ensure the required documents aren’t unavailable. For instance, some insurance providers may require documentation like police reports, medical records, and injuries-related expenses before paying out a claim. Don’t be confused about the legal process, which starts with contacting help, gathering evidence, talking less, and complying strictly when contacted either by law enforcement, assessment officers, etc. Remember that speaking with an experienced attorney who understands bicycle accidents can also ensure your rights are protected, and you receive fair treatment under the law.

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