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AX-1 Is A New Modular Robot That Will Help You With Daily Chores

AX-1 Rover 2

Robotics have come a far way from something that you could only read about or watch in movies. However, there’s still a long way to go before robots become a part of life for a common person. We have seen how military is relying on them but we still have to witness the time where anyone can afford and adopt the use of robots in their daily life. To bring that day closer, Axon Robotics have taken the first step and has introduced the AX-1 rover.

AX-1 RoverThe AX-1 costs $500 and will be available to anyone who can save and spend $500. The robot is modular which means that you can modify it according to your needs. You could, for instance, incorporate an extendable smartphone holder or make use of the extendable grabber arm. It also has a built-in accessory, which allows it to blow off the leaves or melt the snow.

AX-1 Rover 3The fundamental idea that Axon Robotics is trying to convey with this robot is that robots are multi-use and we all can afford and use them. It comes with 5 accessory bays and 3 sensor bays. It is up to the user to tailor the robot as per requirement.AX-1 is among the finalists in Robohub’s Robot Launch competition. If it wins it will transform into a reality and commercially made available soon. We wish the company good luck and sincerely hope that they introduce it in the market before the leaves begin to fall.

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