Interbrand just revealed the Best Global Brands 2017 Rankings, and Apple is leading the list after defeating Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, and Samsung.
- An analysis of the financial performance of the branded products or services.
- The role played by brand in purchase decisions.
- The brand’s competitive strength.
Apple was placed at the top mostly for its influence, financial standing, and brand value throughout the world. The recently revealed iPhone X is considered the best product from Apple so far due to its bezel-less display and many other innovative features. The graph below shows the growth of the company’s brand value in a million dollars.

The report detailed stats that show Facebook, Amazon, and Adobe as the leading growing brands. Among these, Facebook has increased its brand value by 50 percent since the last year. This is not surprising as it played a great role in the Presidential Elections of US last year.
These are the 24 brands that stayed on top of the Best Global Brand Rankings this year. You can see all 100 here at Interbrand’s website.

The best global brand name is not much of a surprise though! What do you think about this ranking? Comment below.