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Amazon Has Begun Work On Its $1.5 Billion Airport With Bezos Driving The First Loader

Hello and welcome to yet another milestone that has been achieved by Jeff Bezos. The guy sure has been making headlines with his space colonies design and the unveiling of Blue Moon – a lunar lander. Jeff Bezos has also kicked off construction work at Amazon’s new $1.5 billion airport development located close to Cincinnati on this Tuesday.

Amazon Has Begun Work On The $1.5 Billion Airport Development

Jeff Bezos made a surprise appearance during the opening ceremony where the CEO hopped aboard a front loader and lifted the first pile of dirt. Once he stepped down from the machine, the Amazon CEO said, ‘If you’re wondering, that’s fun.’ Amazon agreed to a 50-year lease for over 900 acres of property from Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport in 2017. The area is close to the size of the global hubs of airlines that are considered the top cargo airlines as per the Associated Press.

What is Amazon trying to do? Well, Amazon intends to have better control of the shipping process and be less reliant on carriers including UPS, FedEx, or even the US Postal Service. It wants to do this in order to boost the delivery times while cutting down on its costs. This becomes even more important when you factor the plans that Amazon has of one-day shipping for its Prime members.

Amazon Has Begun Work On The $1.5 Billion Airport Development

Jeff Bezos while speaking about the airport development, said, ‘This hub is going to let us get packages to customers faster, and that’s a big deal. We’re going to move Prime from two days to one day, and this hub is a big part of that.’

Amazon Has Begun Work On The $1.5 Billion Airport Development

Amazon’s airport development is scheduled for opening in 2021 and will be bringing a total of two thousand jobs to the airport. What do you think of this? Do let us know and be sure to share this news with your friends and family members! It sure would be good to have Amazon’s delivery times sped up!

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