5 Tech Trends That Are Making This World A Greener And Sustainable Place

We all know that we must  focus on green technologies to make our lifestyles sustainable. In retrospect of this, we have compiled a list of 5 technology trends that are working towards making this world more sustainable and greener.

1. Transparent Solar Cells

Transparent solar cells are quite amazing in their working. They are designed to harness energy through the glass, and it indeed is an interesting development in alternative energy technology. This idea has been proposed by Ubiquitous Energy, a MIT based startup, now residing in Redwood City, California.

The glass has a thickness of less than one thousandth of a millimeter, and this filmy glass can filter out ultraviolet and near-infrared light. It then converts the light into electricity that can power a mobile device and extend its battery life. Although the concept is yet to replace batteries completely, it can significantly raise the time between consecutive charges.

Pic Credits: eco-containerhomes
Picture Credits: eco-containerhomes

2. Biodegradable Batteries

Researchers in Sweden and the US revealed that they developed a biodegradable battery that consists of a squishy wood-based foam substance called aerogel. Around 22,000 tonnes of batteries are dumped each year, and the recycling rates are as low as 10%.

The researchers propose to solve this issue by creating a battery extracted primarily from wood pulp. Other salient features include its light weight, elastic surface, and deep cycles.

We have seen a lot of research in this niche, notable ones include a battery that could dissolve in water. It was created by scientists at the University of Illinois and Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Although the company is quite far from mass production of this product, the researchers believe that they can currently target wearable computing and in-car electronics markets to test the product.


3. Induction Charging Cars

With Tesla’s electric cars hogging up all the limelight, there are many people in the backdrop working hard to make these concepts work. While they might not directly be related to any of the electric car producing companies, but UK’s Transport Research Laboratory announced this March that it is conducting a feasibility study on dynamic wireless power transfer (WPT) technology to be applied on Britain’s roads.

What this means is that you will no longer have to plug in your car or go to an electric charging station to re-juice your car. You will be able to charge your car on the go or just by parking it in a specific spot. Surely, this will encourage customers towards using Green cars, though this concept is still in the pipeline.

A realistic goal is the introduction of induction charging in cars that doesn’t mean that you can charge on the go, but remove the hassle of using cables. Companies like Qualcomm Halo, BMW, and Volkswagen have been at the forefront of the development of wireless electric vehicle charging (WEVC) technology, and trials have already been done in London a couple of months back.

4. Hydrogen Fuel Cells

From jojoba-based biofuel through to rubbish-powered cars, humans have been long seeking something to replace the pollution ridden and eco destructive fuels. Until now, hydrogen fueled cars were put into the category of “tried and failed”, but the recent release of commercial hydrogen fuel cars by Toyota and Hyundai beg to differ.

Another company that is bullishly seeking this technology is Intelligent Energy, where Henri Winand, the CEO of the company, thinks that the age of hydrogen cars has arrived.

He might be right as hydrogen fuel cells have made way from cars to replacements for small diesel back-up generators in India and the charger Upp in Apple stores in the UK.

5. Microgeneration Boilers

Flow, a company based in Suffolk, UK, aims to change the way domestic boilers work. They made boilers that can generate electricity while heating the house. That means while cutting your energy bills, they will be creating power for you. They also reduce carbon emissions by 20%. The company claims that a customer can make savings of up to £500 a year with a five-year return on investment (ROI) if they install this boiler.

Do you know about any other technological trends that can possibly change the course of history? Enlighten us in the comment’s section!

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