Leaving a company or your employer without burning all bridges is really quite hard for some people to work out. Usually, we see all sorts of tantrums, heat of the moment decisions and poorly planned conversations that amounts to a great deal of discomfort and ill feelings between the concerned parties. So, is there really a way to end a job without all the fuss and the drama? Today Wonderful Engineering will try to identify five things that causes problems when you are quitting a job, and tips on how you can make the job transition easier and smoother.
1) Giving the employer a chance to act before you do:

If you have been working for a company for many years, there is no need to iterate on the fact that the company has become accustomed and comfortable with your presence, and likewise with you. So it is understandable that you are reluctant to cut the ties, thinking things like it would devastate your best friend, who also happens to be your boss. And hence the application of “slow transition” by you begins, with the statements like “I am thinking of making a change”, and “I think I need to grow out of this industry” setting alarms in your boss’ office.
If you have been associated with them for so long, it is needless to say that they have liked what you can deliver. And thus, when your employer gets a hint that you are about to leave, they will definitely make an effort to try and keep you at your job. Now if you have made your final decision, this process can be a very painful and complicated one for both the parties involved. Your boss will try muster political mileage to get you a 10% raise, maybe a title enhancement and some other leverages like extra holidays etc. Now when he comes with this package and you still refuse, that makes your boss look like an idiot with all his efforts gone down the drain. So this will indeed leave a bitter taste in his mouth, and this could turn ugly for you with things like bad references to maybe even getting fired before you have a change of job
In short, don’t do this kind of “transition” thing ever. If you have to leave, just pull the band-aid in one go, your employer and colleagues will surely respect you for this.
2) Not showing the courtesy to draft a transition plan:

Drafting a transition plan for your employers shows that you are empathetic and are only making the transition due to your professional needs. This also gives the impression that you care about the company, your boss’ convenience and want to leave a positive legacy. Second, it will give the company no choice but to let you go, since it shows your commitment towards leaving.
Now it is entirely up to your employer on what he chooses to do with your suggested plan, but it definitely will not hurt your impression and repute if you put together a 30-, 60-, or even 90-day plan for your soon to be ex-company. This draft should be outlining the key procedures and transitions you would make if you were in your supervisor’s shoes. These would include a list of things such as
- how to complete outstanding projects
- names of colleagues and people who can fill critical gaps left by your departure until a replacement can be found
- a list of the key members of your team and the people you trust and rely on the most
- non-obvious people who are critical for you to succeed, along with their contact information or even introductions
Providing such a plan accomplishes three major things, It gives your organization the tools to succeed and allows them make a steady transition. It also indicates that you have made a clear decision, and will not be swayed from it. And it protects your legacy with the company.
3) Quitting Other Than The Friday:

Taking the weekend off to think about an exit plan and its execution on a Monday is always a bad idea. You will come off as being smug if you convey that you need to quit on a Monday or any other day of the week, for the fact that you have now decided to head to greener pastures. This will also create an aura of discomfort and awkwardness in the office, as now everyone needs to look at your stupid face for the next five or less working days while the company decides its next move.
So, it is always great to make a clean break on a Friday. This lets the dust settle over the weekend, and gives your boss and close colleagues time to through their reactions and transition plans.
4) Forgetting How Others Were Treated When They Quit:

This is especially very important to look at if you are making a change into a direct competitor. How does your company view such a person? Do they take it as just another quitter, or do they take it as a deserter, and thus treat him/her that way? Always make sure that you do not give away too much information to your employer about your next company. Instead, work over giving a more diplomatic answer, such as
There’s someone in the position I’ll be moving into right now, so I can’t share the company name publicly because they haven’t been told yet. But once it becomes public, you’ll be the first to know.
This will surely help your employer understand that the decision of disclosure is out of your hands, and in most cases, they will respect you. This point is even more relevant in the companies which have the attitude of “You can’t quit, because I fire you” with their employees. So always be wary and careful when making this decision in order to avoid unnecessary friction on the way out.
5) Setting A Loose Cut-off Date:

Sometimes out of courtesy and your sense of attachment with the company you tend to allow your boss to keep consulting you and maybe offer assistance over the net on weekends and late nights. While this might sound good, but will lead to you producing unsatisfactory and below par results, eventually hurting your legacy at the company. So when cutting ties, cut them off completely. Go out with a bang, and leave the legacy of a hero who will be remembered for his super quality of work in the history of the office. This sort of arrangement helps no one, and only causes further problems for all the entities involved.
Do you have any more tips and advice on leaving a job?
Share it in the comment’s section below!