With the passing years, the use of 3D printers is increasing, so its purchase cost is decreasing. Nowadays, all you need is a 100 dollars, and you can get your very own 3D printer. However, this article is especially for the Star Wars’ fans who dream to own a lightsaber.

Adam Savage and his company have recently designed a Sith lightsaber. They will be releasing the design plans soon so that all Star Wars’ enthusiasts can build and develop it themselves. Check out the video below for more details.
The maker was inspired by old camera parts that were also used as props in the SW movies. For the printer, the FormLabs Form 2 printer was used that is quite expensive. But no worries, once the plans have been released, you can use any 3D printer you want as long as the printing bed conforms to the required size.

Visit here for more images and keep your fingers crossed for the plans. Wait and watch!