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10 Incredible Home Designs Across The Globe

People prefer different types of homes depending on their tastes. Some prefer modern homes, others rustic, while some just want to live in something different (like a Hobbit-hole). The homes below are different from the suburban houses and mansions we see everyday. These are the most unique homes in the world.

10. Traditional Icelandic Turf House (Iceland)

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9. Tetsu Teahouse (Hokuto, Japan)

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8. Maison de Sorcière (France)

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7. Moominhouse (Hann?, Japan)

6. Whimsical House by Rustic Way (Minnesota, USA)

5. Forest House (Efteling, The Netherlands)

4. Treehouse (British Columbia, Canada)

3. Victorian Cottage (Catskills, New York, USA)

2. Hobbiton Movie Set (Matamata, New Zealand)

1. Abandoned Wooden House (Russia)

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