Embedded systems in simple terms are computer programmable electronic circuits/microchips. Programming them is helpful for the programmer to see the effects of his code live and almost instantly as he makes changes. That’s where emulators come in, as they enable the user to see the effects of his/her code directly on the device. So check out this list of 10 best USB JTAG emulators and let us know your favourite USB JTAG emulators in the comments section below.
Hobbypower AVR USB Jtag Emulator/ AVR Jtag w/ Protection for Atmel (11$)
A complete on-chip JTAG-based debug tools, supports all AVR 8-bit RISC instruction with a JTAG port of the microprocessor.
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USB Download Programmer Emulator Debugger For AVR JTAG ICE(13$)

This product is not suitable for ISP only for JTAG. It has a 0.5 A fuse which protects the main computer during code debugging operations.
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J-Link V8 ARM USB-JTAG Adapter Emulator(15$)

Supports all ARM7/ARM9 core chips, as well as cortex M3.Supports for ADS, IAR, KEIL, WINARM & REALVIEW. Download speed for ARM7 is 600kB / s % ARM9 ut is 550kB /s.
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Ailavi C8051F MCU Emulator U-EC6 USB Debug Adapter (24$)
U-EC6 emulator is made by Silabs company.It can be connected with Keil software and all kinds of software official launched by silabs ,such as Silicon Laboratories IDE & FLASH Utility Programmer.
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C8051F Emulator (33$)
The USB C8051F Debugger provides the interface between the PC’s USB port and the target device’s in-system debug/programming circuitry. The USB C8051F Debugger supports both Silicon Laboratories JTAG and C2 debug interfaces.
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Sunwin ARM USB JTAG Adapter emulator Realview Ulink II (34$)
This is one of the popular USB emulators out there. This works great with LabVIEW Embedded system for ARM and does not need any added drivers.
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MSP-FET430UIF USB JTAG EMULATOR by Texas Instruments (122$)
Texas Instruments is well reputed to make quality industrial electronics equipment. This is a professional level emulator with high reliability.
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Compatible Atmel JTAGICE mkII (129$)
An AVR programmer and debugger. The device supports AVR studion 4,5 & 6 thus increasing its functionality.
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ATMEL – AT91SAM-ICE (140$)
Atmel specific board. Atmel has a range of chips and controller so it is good to have a high quality reliable USB emulator.This one is designed specifically for Atmel AT91 ARM cores.
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One of the most popular emulators with the professionals, it is also one of the most expensive. This a robust device perfect for professional use.
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