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10 Best Ethernet Shields For Arduino – 2019

10 Best Arduino Ethernet Shields  (11)

Ethernet shields allow you to connect an Arduino board to a TCP/IP network very easily. These shields have broad applications from sending & receiving data from a wireless router to attaching an IP camera. Ethernet shields can be useful in your projects and here are some of the best available ethernet shields for Arduino available in the market today.

Kuman Ethernet Shield W5100 (12.66$)

Kuman Ethernet Shield W5100

A rudimentary Ethernet shield that is easy to connect while also having mini SD/TF card reading & writing capabilities. Great for projects.

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Ethernet W5100 Shield Network Expansion Board(9.99$)

Ethernet W5100 Shield Network Expansion Board

W5100 module operates on 3.3V and allows your Arduino to be a simple web server. Like most on our list, this module also allows for a micro SD card expansion for greater memory use. The price is awesome too.

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W5200 Ethernet Shield for Arduino by SeeedStudio(18.51$)

Seeed Studio is one of the best suppliers of electronic devices for engineers. This module is based on W5200 and allows faster communication than any other on our list. With a sturdy set of connectors, you will not be disappointed with this module anytime soon.

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Gikfun Ethernet Shield W5100 for Arduino(10.98$)

Though it is based on the W5100 model, this module consumes far less power and is less prone to failures. The network stack in this one is capable of IP and UDP.

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Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 with PoE module(59.95$)

This module allows 802.3af power over Ethernet and includes a complete SD reader. The official Arduino shield is also available on their website and is one of the best in software interfacing as well.

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SunFounder Ethernet Shield W5100(15.99$)

Sunfounder is another popular supplier of small electronic gadgets for student projects. Their wifi module works seamlessly with the Arduino’s Ethernet library, and since it works on 3.3V logic, it is power saving as well.

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Dragino Linux, Wifi Ethernet Shields (29.80$)

This system can run Linux as well and is quite powerful. Compatible with Arduino 1.5.4 IDE or later, its is able to perform with a host of Arduino boards such as Leonardo, Uno, Duemilanove, Diecimila & Mega.

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Ieik® Ethernet Shields W5100 (7.50$)

One of the most cost-effective Ethernet shields for your Arduino. Based on the W5100, the shield is low power yet can afford memory expansion of up to 2GB. Since Arduino projects are all about cost effectiveness, we highly recommend this shield.

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Ethernet W5100 Shield Network Expansion Board (12.50$)

Just like no.6, this shield is officially available on Arduino’s website but this one supports external memory cards and has a better processing power. The board also has the capability to work on 5v and as well as 3.3V

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Desloo Ethernet Shields W5100 (6.46$)

The most popular ethernet shield for Arduino available on Amazon. As a whole, the device offers superior functionality at just a fraction of the cost so according to our analysis, this is the best ethernet shield that you can buy. Great buy for students on a budget

Available Here

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