Arduino being one of the best development boards makes it one of those controllers that are open to any project you can think of (well, technically not any because it has limited GPIO pins).
In this article, we are listing the ten best LCD modules compatible with Arduino. Have a read.
10. SainSmart LCD Keypad Shield ($22.00)

This 16×2 LCD module works with all the boards of Arduino. The backlight is blue while the words are displayed in white. Pretty cheap since this module comes with the board as well as LCD and a keypad. There is no documentation, but there are manuals on the manufacturer’s website to get it working.
Available here.
9. Arducam LCD Module for Arduino ($8.79)

This LCD has vibrant colors and bright display. Easy to use with all the little projects of Arduino.
Available here.
8. uxcell LCD Display Module ($5.93)

This is a 16×2 LCD with a blue backlight and characters are shown in white. It is made up of PCB, plastic and/or metal. Display works great and it is fast to receive the program hence updates rapidly. For cheap price, this is a decent display.
Adding a potentiometer and you can adjust the brightness of the screen. You can find its datasheet online too.
Available here.
7. LCD display with from Adafruit ($21.99)

Small, compact and stylish LCD display by Adafruit. You have to solder the header pins and has instructions for firing it up. It also has detailed documentation on its working. The text is bright and clear with dynamic and strong colors.
Available here.
6. SainSmart Serial LCD Module Display for Arduino ($22.96)

Works great.You just have to use the right code and solder all the connections well. Since you might face a little difficulty in finding its libraries, so if you already have one or are thinking of buying, refer to user reviews for a solution.
A fair buy for cheap projects.
Available here.
5. ESUMIC LCD Module for Arduino ($8.99)

This ESUMIC’s is also a 16×2 LCD compatible with Arduino. It also operates on 5volts. It has a blue backlight while characters are displayed in white. It has a fairly decent brightness which can be adjusted using a POT or PWM.
Available here.
4. SainSmart LCD Display Module for Arduino ($14.85)

SainSmart’s 1.8 inches LCD comprises of 262k colors. It works on 5/3.3V and is compatible with Arduino. The display is pretty fantastic as said by one of its users. The display is bright and sharp.
A great buy for little projects on a cheap price. You need to work around a little bit with the code to get it working.
Available here.
3. SainSmart LCD Module For Arduino ($14.99)

SainSmart’s LCD works with Arduino as well as all other controllers. Compared to the normal, it has 4 rows and you will have to tinker about the libraries and codes to get it working.
A pretty decent display ONCE you get it running. Refer to user reviews if you face the problems with its working.
Available here.
2. RioRand® LCD Module for Arduino ($10.99)

Works pretty great. You solder the header and plug it in Arduino and it lights up. You’ll have to work with the display for a little while whilst you are new to it. You can find the documentation here.
Bright and nice. Great for little or cheap projects in home/ school.
Available here.
1. LCD for Arduino by SainSmart ($12.98)

This module comes with a shield for Arduino as well as an LCD. This is a 16×2 LCD with blue backlight and white characters on display. Compatible with Arduino Uno, Mega, Duemilanove. The product is pretty good but it doesn’t come with a user manual, hence you’ll have to search around on using it and making it work.
Available here.
Let us know which LCD are you getting!