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10 Best Antifreeze Coolants For Honda CR-V

Are you a car geek and looking for some antifreeze coolants to modulate your car engine properly? In that case, you’ve knocked at the right door because we have generated for you a list of the 10 best antifreeze coolants for Honda CR-V which are available on Amazon. Now you don’t need to contact your car dealer, again and again, to consult on this issue, just sit at home and take a look at this well-established and detailed list.

10. PEAK OET Extended Life Blue 50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze/Coolant

10 Best Antifreeze Coolants For Honda CR-V

The Peak OET blue coolant is specifically designed for Honda vehicles, including the CR-V. It keeps your engine cool all the time, protecting it from over-heating because of its freezing and boiling points (-34F & 265F respectively). It protects your engine from rusting for up to 5 years owing to its Phosphate-enhanced organic acid technology and also because it’s free from silicates. Please follow the instructions mentioned in the guide of this antifreeze/ coolant.

Available here.

 9. PEAK OET Extended Life Blue Concentrate Antifreeze/Coolant

10 Best Antifreeze Coolants For Honda CR-V

The next option we have for you is also a Peak OET product because this brand supplies coolants, particularly for Asian vehicles. Guaranteeing the security of your engine for up to 150,000 miles, this blue coolant suitable for your CR-V adapts the POAT mechanics which are phosphate-free and silicate-free. Thus, all your engine parts will remain cool and safe from corrosions and rusting. It sounds similar to the previously mentioned coolant but unlike that option, this antifreeze/coolant needs to be diluted with water before use.

Available here.

8. Prestone Original AF2000/C Antifreeze Coolant

10 Best Antifreeze Coolants For Honda CR-V

The Prestone Original coolant is one of the favorites on the list because of how it functions to keep the engine cool and all cooling parts, especially aluminum, rust-free. It serves to safeguard the engine for 5 good years that make a total of 150,000 miles and all of that because of toxins like silicate, borate, nitrates, and phosphates being exempted from the coolant.

Available here.

7. STAR BRITE Star-Cool Premium Synthetic PG Engine Coolant (033200)

If you buy this Star Brite engine coolant, you’re basically inviting good news to your vehicle as upon analysis of this coolant we only saw happy customers. It is a ready-to-use coolant so doesn’t need to be diluted. With its adequate boiling and freezing points, it protects the engine in every season, no matter what. Not just it cools down your engine, delivering a 2-year service, but also modifies the engine’s power. One of the greatest things about this coolant is its production from non-toxic ingredients that expel the chances of any stinky odor.

Available here.

6. Recochem OEM 86-184BOEMH Blue Premium Antifreeze 50/50 Extended Life BLUE

If you have a newer model of CR-V, then go for this OEM-specified blue Recochem Antifreeze that promises a 5-year engine protection facility. The OAT mechanism which is free from silicates, borates, phosphates, and amines secures cooling components, like aluminum, from overheating and corrosion.

Available here.

5. PEAK PXAB53 Antifreeze Coolant, 50/50, Amber

The Peak antifreeze coolant is a pre-diluted Amber fluid that prevents the engine from over-boiling or freezing. As compared to the price, this coolant performs a great job. It is a universal product so will most definitely be appropriate for your model and will avoid rust and corrosion of your engine for a long time. Being silicate-free obviously makes it a selectable option.

Available here.

4. Valvoline Multi-Vehicle 50/50 Prediluted Ready-to-Use Antifreeze/Coolant 

If you’re a smart driver and car owner, then you surely know that it’s not a wise choice to use water for the radiator instead you should shift to Valvoline antifreeze/coolant that is fitting for all kinds of vehicles and models and it even works alongside with other antifreeze, be it of any color. Unlike other coolants, it has benzoate present as a bittering agent and traces of Alugard Plus which is a special additive. Both these constituents enhance the protection it provides to the engine. Plus, it can lubricate the water pump, thermostat, gasket and keep the engine safe and sound under temperature extremities.

Available here.

3. Honda Genuine COOLANT (Type-2) (OL999-9011)

This is one of the most preferred coolants for all Honda vehicles because it is made to exact OEM specifications. This Typ-2 blue coolant is pure from silicates and borates which is just the appropriate requirement for aluminum engines. In addition, the freezing and boiling points of the coolant prevent boiling or freezing of the engine. Moreover, they add to the life expectancy of the engine to 5 years.

Available here.

2. Zerex Blue Silicate and Borate Free 50/50 Prediluted Ready-to-Use Antifreeze/Coolant

Say goodbye to over-heating, boil-overs, and freeze-ups, and harmful debris and deposits accumulating on and destroying your engine because the Zerex blue Antifreeze/coolant is the best in the market with its Phosphate Hybrid Organic Acid Technology mechanism, that has no hints of silicates or borates in it. Designed according to the precise OEM specifications, it cools the engine and eliminates any chances of rust on the cooling components.

Available here.

1. Zerex Red Silicate and Borate Free 50/50 Prediluted Ready-to-Use Antifreeze/Coolant

Similar to the above-mentioned product, this Zerex antifreeze is another great coolant that suits most Asian vehicles. Based on ethylene glycol, it uses a red dye and is built on the P-HOAT chemistry. It is better than all other coolants because of the additives present in it. For a price like this, it is a decent addition to this list as it performs all functions of a coolant in the best manner.

Available here.

With this, we’re done for now with our list of the 10 best antifreeze coolants for Honda CR-V. We hope it was up to your expectations.

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