Site icon Wonderful Engineering

You Won’t Believe These Skyscrapers Exist For Real

The world has surely transformed into a global village but there is still so much that we don’t know about. We recently came across a number of wonderfully engineered buildings that can be termed as pinnacle of architecture and decided to share them with you. Enjoy the post!

6. Bandra Ohm Residential Tower, Mumbai, India6. Bandra Ohm Residential Tower, Mumbai, India 6. Bandra Ohm Residential Tower, Mumbai, India2

5. The Veer Towers, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States5. The Veer Towers, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

4. Eliza, Sydney, Australia

3. Torree Cuajimalpa, Mexico City, Mexico

2. Y Building, Beirut, Lebanon

1. The Metropol, Istanbul, Turkey


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