Pollution in waterways is a global problem and resources all over the world are focused on how to solve this issue. A number of people have spent huge sums of money in an attempt to solve this problem, but it seems that we are still looking for a feasible and sweeping kind of solution. What we have for you today is a low-cost solution that just might be the best possible solution for the pollution in waterways, and it comes from AltruBots!
A team of scientists and engineers at AltruBots about a year ago revealed a project that was about building a cheap robot. The task of this cheap robot by AltruBots, previously known as Urban Rivers, was to clean the trash in Chicago River. The solution put forward by AltruBots is simple and economical as opposed to other solutions that are high-tech and require too much of money and time; a robot that can be remotely controlled by anyone, anywhere, from the internet.

After 12 months of hard work and commitment, the prototype robot from AltruBots is ready for anyone to test! You can simply head over to the website of AltruBots and take the robot for a river cleaning test drive right now! A few things to keep in mind though; the program is still in testing phase, so a number of features are not available. The robot is not picking up the trash in the river yet; it is merely swimming around a test pool that has been filled using rubber ducks.

AltruBots team is determined to cater to any bugs or complications in the robot’s design over the course of the next several months thus improving their robot with the ultimate goal of taking it to the Chicago River for combating with trash. What do you think of this robot by AltruBots? Do let us know!
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