Woman Accused Of Smashing Windows Of A Tesla Cybertruck And Ending The Owner’s Small Business

The owner of a small ice cream business run out of his brand-new Tesla Cybertruck was shocked when a woman allegedly smashed his windows in his driveway.

“It’s just a really bizarre situation,” said Daniel Herres, owner of Cyber Cream Dayton. “You just never think something like that is going to happen until it actually does.”

Herres said he was at home when he heard a loud noise from the driveway, which he assumed was glass shattering. A video from his Ring camera picked up the noise, which definitely sounded like someone smashing the windows, advertised as “shatter-resistant.” The woman allegedly pulled into the driveway and exited her vehicle, which, according to Herres, had two crying children in the backseat. The woman smashed all of the Cybertruck’s windows except one before jumping back into her car and driving away. “There were two kids in the backseat and they were both crying, you know,” Herres said. “They just witnessed something really bizarre and strange happen.”

Officers tracked the suspect to a Cracker Barrel and arrested her, identifying the woman as Courtney Piotrowski, 29.

Herres was not Piotrowski’s first target, seemingly, as officers reported she had visited one of Herres’ neighbors before smashing the Cybertruck. At the neighbor’s home, she allegedly knocked over two propane tanks before screaming at the homeowner and driving away.

Despite the fact that the damages to the Cybertruck totaled somewhere around $10,000 and forced Herres to close his business for the foreseeable future, he informed officers he didn’t want to press charges.

“Within 30 seconds, our business was torpedoed,” he said. “I feel really sorry for the children, and we just really wish the best for everyone, we want everyone to come out OK with this.”

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