Ever Wondered Why Your Measuring Tape Has Black Diamonds On It. Mystery Solved
Umer Sohail
While every person knows how to use a measuring tape, almost none of us have any idea of the small markings and numerals that are subtly placed in between the numbers and dashes. Today, we are going to give a full low down on all the nitty-gritty of a measuring tape so that you work as a professional next time.
We start off with the obvious details: the larger numbers at the top represent inches, while the smaller numbers on the bottom of the tape indicate centimeters.
These circled Roman numerals are sometimes present in between and represent the level of accuracy of the measuring tape. The smaller the numerals, the more accurate your tape is. The tapes that don’t have these marks have no guaranteed level of accuracy.
The circled numbers on the left, shown in the picture below, represent the total length of the tape measure. The manufacturers print the length on the tape as it is required by the law.
Now coming to the mysterious black diamonds, which may look like dark circles.
These diamonds appear at the 19.2-inch mark and allow the construction workers to make five trusses in an eight-foot space. Truss layouts or items are usually eight feet in length, and when you divide 8 feet (96 inches) into five, you get 19.2 inches.
This accuracy would be difficult to achieve without these marks because of the decimal point. Hence, the diamonds are placed to end the hassle altogether. While the presence of these diamonds may seem trivial to the average Joe; it is vital for the construction workers as most of the American construction materials come in lengths of eight feet.