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What Is A Transformer?


A transformer can be described as an electrical device capable of transferring energy between two or more circuits by employing induction. Electromagnetic induction is the principle of operation and was discovered simultaneously and independently by Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday back in 1831. The first working transformer dates back to 1876 created by a Russian engineer Pavel Yablochkov.What is a Transformer (13).

How Does A Transformer Work?
What is a Transformer (11)

A transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It has two coils/windings known as primary coil/winding and secondary coil/winding. Applying a varying current to the primary coil results in the formation of a magnetic flux in the core that is varying and this imparts a varying magnetic field to the secondary coil and induces an electromotive force in the secondary coil. What is a Transformer (15)A transformer is capable of raising or lowering the voltage/current level indirectly; that is to say that voltage increases when current decreases. It is also capable of increasing or decreasing the value of inductor, capacitor or resistor in an AC circuit. It is also capable of isolating two circuits electrically.

Types Of TransformerWhat is a Transformer (14)

Applications Of Transformer What is a Transformer (1)

Precautionary Measures



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