Watch This 5-Axis Mill Cut Metal Like A Butter Knife


Robot used in industries and workshops are no longer the dumb machines but more like automated workers producing precise and refined work owing to greater development and accuracy. We are taking the example of Daishin Seiki’s 5 axis mill. This machine was used to cut a motorcycle helmet out of a big piece of aluminium, celebrating 50 years of Japanese company’s work.

The 5 Axis milling just rotates and pivots to carve out metal at eccentric angles without the hassle of joints or breaks. The cuts are guided by a complicated 3D design software known as Openmind’s HyperMill. A simple button can trigger a machine to translate computer designs into high-quality metal objects and machinery, thanks to the industrial companies.

Metal helmet. Credits:
Metal helmet. Credits:

The next big question is “Which is a better method of robot production?”. Is it printing or machining? Taking a big aluminium block and carving it out might seem a bit old-fashioned, now that we have 3D printers that can even work on metals. However, the best way to produce high-grade metal materials appropriate as additions in other machines is still via milling. A 3D printer cannot wield out a working diesel engine… yet. While 3D printing technology matures further, machining methods have developed innovative ways to remain competitive.

5-axis-mill. Credits:
5-axis-mill. Credits:

Industrial robots like the 5 Axis Mill can carve out high-grade metal pieces that 3D printers cannot touch currently. Therefore, industrial robots sculptors are still ahead of the printing method when it comes to building heavy machinery.

Here’s the video of 5 axis mill cutting metal smoothly like a butter knife:

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