YouTuber Lesics brings us engaging and well-explained videos on some of the most modern developments and technologies that exist out there. Earlier, in one of his videos, he explained how railway power lines work, and in a clip, he analyzed the engineering behind the Burj Khalifa. All of this sounds quite interesting.
Now, he has come up with a video on the physics behind LED technologies. Today, scientists continue to make leaps in developing LED technology. While OLED technology has become superior to simple LED technology, the new improvements may make LED the king once more.
But what are LED displays precisely? They comprise a flat panel display that uses an array of light-emitting diodes as pixels for a video display. Since they are so bright, they can be used outdoors where they are visible in the sun for store signs and billboards.
We have also seen their appearance in destination signs on public transport vehicles, as well as variable-message signs on highways. They also present a viable alternative to traditional projection screens.

With their use in such diverse industries, it is often thought how OLEDs are becoming better than them. What’s the difference between the two technologies, and how can LEDs catch up? Finally, what will be the future of LEDs?