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Top 10 Hoverboards between 400$ & 500$ That Get You Going Places

Here is our list of 10 best scooters between $400 -$500. These personal transportation devices are present in every price range, and we have covered some of the best.

10. Xnow 2 Wheels Smart Self Balancing Scooter (455$)

Best Hoverboards Between 400 to 500 (5)

This hoverboard travels at a max speed of 15km/h and has battery protection feature when the power goes below 10%. It can handle weights of more 120kg  that is very impressive.

Available Here!

9. Outtop Bluetooth Self Balancing 2 Wheels Mini Hover Board (412.30$)

Best Hoverboards Between 400 to 500 (7)

The hoverboard has decent Bluetooth speaker quality and can corner at 0 degrees. The only problem we see with the device is its weight that is around 15kg.

Available Here in various colors!

8. EXOOTER M1150 Two Wheel Self Balancing Electric Scooter (450$)

Best Hoverboards Between 400 to 500 (6)

This scooter has 3-GYRO accelerometers which help maintain balance. It has a rated max load of 260 pounds with rated speed at 10mph. The device even comes with one warranty which includes One-year replacement parts of motor, battery and control board.

Available Here!

7. HoverBoost HoverBoard 2015 (450$)

High-efficiency board with excellent power management system. It has decent control during cornering & it is shipped with a free bag & headphones.

Available Here in various colors!

6. Balance Scooter – Self Balancing Scooter by KiiRover, 2 Wheel (449.99$)

One of the easiest to learn scooters out there. It can manage weights more than 220pounds but as per our analysis has a very bad battery life.

Available Here!

5. TL-tech 2 Wheel Electric Self  Balancing Scooter (426$)

This hoverboard can travel at 12km/h top speed. The scooter is claimed to be waterproof which is a plus. If you like to ride it in off-road conditions, this is the one you are looking for.

Available Here!

4. Self Balancing Scooter, Hoverboard (419$)

One of the best scooters regarding battery life as it has a range up to 20km on a single charge. Power 500watt motors enable the device to climb inclinations more than 20 degrees.

Available Here!

3. A&S Creavention Hoverboard (367$)

One of the best hoverboards regarding control and battery life. At 367$ it competes with the best but be warned there is no warranty.

Available Here in various colors!

2. Lowpricenice(TM) Hoverboard (409$)

This Hoverboard has solid performance as it can climb inclination of nearly 30 degrees with 100kg payload. It has a set of 8″wheels which allow you to drive on off road terrain.

Available Here in various colors!

1. Two-wheel Smart Scooter (447.74$)

The best scooter available in this price range. It has a comparatively fast charging time of 1 hour and weighs just about 12kg. With top speeds of 15km/h and max payload higher than 100kg. Based on customer feedback, we highly recommend this scooter.

Available Here!

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