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Top 10 Budget Hoverboards That Offer Great Value For Money

Best budget hoverboards (9)

Most personal Hoverboards today cost at an excess of 500$. But recently few firms have been able to bring the price down without compromising on the quality, so here is our list of best budget scooters all under 300$.


10. Jetson Glyro(717.14$)

10 Best Budget Hoverboards (3)

Jetson has a large collection of hoverboards over a broad range of prices. This model is priced over 700$ but fails to give value for money. The top speed of 11km/h is average at best, and the range of 10km is low.

Available here

9. HoverTech(399$)

10 Best Budget Hoverboards (9)

The hoverboard can sustain weights of 220 pounds with a maximum speed of 13km/h. The battery lasts for 8 hours of continuous use, but your investment feels a little secure with one year extended manufacturer warranty.

Available here!

8. Anhell Bluetooth Hoverboard (409.99$)

Perhaps the best thing about this hoverboard is its Bluetooth speakers. The plastic body is water resistant, and the speaker quality does not deteriorate over time. But we do believe that it can reach the proclaimed top speed of 20km/h.

Available Here

7. Sharper Image-Sogo Two Wheel Electric Self Balancing Scooter(399$)

One of the better hoverboards regarding build quality. Additionally, large 6.6″ wheels allow you to drive on off-road conditions and bright LED in the front help you ride at night as well.

Available here

6. Leray™ Self Balancing Scooter(399.9$)

Leray is one of the best manufacturers of hoverboards and is well reputed for its customer care. This model takes a little over two hours to charge. The self-balancing scooter can travel for 15km continuously before the battery runs.

Available here

5. Powerboard Hoverboard (499.99$)

Powerboard also has a wide variety of hoverboards based on various price ranges. This model, in particular, can reach speeds of 10km/h even on inclinations as high as 15 degrees. Powerboard provides one year warranty on all their products.

Available Here

4. Glyro Self Balancing Scooter Turbo, by Jetson(547.52$)

We know that our earlier evaluation of a Jetson product at no.10 was not kind but regarding value for money this model is a step up. The manufacturer has made a water resistant body and increased battery life so by lowering the price, they get a higher point rating from us.

Available here

3. IO Hawk Chic Smart S1 (648$$)

I/O Hawk has been one of the top selling hoverboards in the market. Thanks to its lightweight design and good battery life people have been buying this product like hot cakes, only thing that it can improve upon is its dim LED head lights

Available Here

2.Swagway X1  (299$)

This hoverboard can climb inclinations well above 20 degrees. The scooter has a good battery life along with superior control that keeps you safe. The machine can go 20 miles on a single charge as well.

Available Here

1. Razor Hovertrax (599$)

Razor Hoverboards have a high degree of reliability. These self-balancing scooters reach a speed of 6 miles per hour and can travel a distance of nearly 15miles once completely charged. One year extended warranty over Amazon’s standard one-year replacement policy makes this an attractive buy.

Available Here

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