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These DIY Robocars Are Funny Little Versions Of Self-Driving Cars

Image: DIY Robocars

Great tech companies like Google, Uber, Tesla, and even Apple are working on self-driving cars. However, that does not mean that they are the only ones capable of doing so. It does not even require a fancy place because people are doing it in their garages, backyards, and warehouses.

A group of Silicon Valley tech gurus was founded by Chris Anderson. This exceptional group is creating autonomous cars all by themselves in a warehouse in Oakland, CA. The personal autonomous RC cars that they have built are put to the test in monthly races where they compete with each other. It helps these tech wizards to learn from each other and share ideas.

The ideas are discussed on the Meetup page that describes,

“The overall aim of this group and these meetups is to make and race pro-level autonomous cars on a budget. That means that they’re smaller than regular cars (from go-kart size, down to 1/16th scale) and can be used indoors. The group does allow people to build normal sized autonomous cars but the warehouse “may not always have space to run them in driverless mode.”

The video below shows the autonomous robocars in action. Also, watch an interview with the founder and the team to find out more about their motivations and interests.


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