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This New Dental Tool Is The Solution To All The Painful Tooth Extractions

tooth extraction

There are various reasons for which one may need to get their tooth extracted. There can be extensive decay, a cracked tooth which is beyond repair, or an incorrectly positioned teeth. Despite being a widespread procedure, it is excruciating and uncomfortable for the patient as well as for the dentist. Extraction of a tooth requires a dentist to cut the gum around the tooth, then use pliers to rock the tooth back and forth to loosen it from the jawbone and ligaments which is holding it in place. Often, a strong force is needed to pull the tooth out. This process can leave the patient bruised.

Benex has redefined the extraction by creating a painless method of tooth extraction. A group of Swiss dental surgeons have designed the new gadget. The BenexExtractor causes less pain than the traditional way while it also preserves bones and the soft tissues inside the mouth. BenexExtractor uses tension to pull the tooth out. The first step is to loosen the gum around the tooth which is done by a special tool for nearly a minute. Then a hole is drilled into the tooth, and special Benex extraction screw is inserted.

Once done, the BenexExtractor tool is placed inside the patient’s mouth, it settles on the teeth which are surrounding the problematic tooth to provide a stable base. The extraction screw is attached to the extractor and then using tension, the tooth is pulled out with only a small amount of pressure applied by the dentist. This extraction system is becoming popular among the dentists all over the world. Using the BenexExtractor means that a painful surgery and costly root extraction can be avoided. Dentists say that not only they are experiencing the benefits of using the extractor but their patients are also happy with the procedure.


Tooth extractions have increased a lot because of better access to health care. The technology like BenexExtractor is expected to replace the older and painful methods. The inventor of the device is traveling the world giving talks and lectures about his product. He also trains dentists and surgeons to use the tool efficiently.

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