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This Strange Building In Germany Plays Music During Rain

Courtyard of Elements – Dresden, Germany 5

Welcome to Dresden, Germany where we have this peculiar building which has a unique look. The 3 tenants of the building have installed rain gutters in such a way that the gutters play music when it rains.
Courtyard of Elements – Dresden, Germany

Courtyard of Elements – Dresden, Germany 4The building is known as ‘Courtyard of Elements’ and is a part of Kunsthofpassage series of courtyards which is the brain child of tenants of apartment buildings on which these artworks are being installed. This particular artwork comes from sculptor Annette Paul and designers Christoph Rossner and Andre Tempel. The idea was inspired by the Rube Goldberg Machine which converts the mere average rainfall sound into a symphony which comes right from the Orchestra.

Apparently, these artists were not satisfied enough with how the rain sounds and decided to make some improvements to it. The acoustics involved have made it possible to bring music into the life of the tenants.Check out the video below for more details:

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