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This Single-Seater Electric Micro-Car Is Aiming To Take On Big City Congestion

In 2021, a noteworthy design collaboration between Italian mobility designer Andrea Mocellin and engineering consultancy Dexet Technologies gave birth to the Revolve wheelchair. Now, their focus has shifted to addressing inner-city mobility issues, particularly the prevalence of single-occupant SUVs crowding urban roads. Their solution? The Zigy concept, a compact electric vehicle (EV) tailored for solo commuting in city environments.

Inspired by the tight and congested streets of London, the Zigy concept aims to provide an eco-friendly alternative to bulky SUVs for urban dwellers. While electric microcars aren’t groundbreaking, the emphasis on a single-occupant urban vehicle is unique. At the feasibility stage, the project awaits industry partnerships to progress into prototyping and eventual production. The envisioned applications range from private ownership to leasing and fleet operations, with potential cargo versions for commercial use.

Anticipated specifications outline a compact quadricycle measuring 1.95 meters in length, with a wheelbase of 1.59 meters, and standing at 1.1 meters wide and 1.6 meters high. The design team boasts a 25% improvement in range compared to competitors, thanks in part to a drag coefficient of approximately 0.35 achieved through digital aerodynamics simulations.

The vehicle’s construction revolves around a modular thermoplastic composite frame developed by Dexet, incorporating recycled carbon fiber and natural fibers. Weighing in at 353 kilograms, the Zigy promises maneuverability with a tight 7-meter turning circle and ease of parking, complemented by 30 liters of trunk space.

Powering the Zigy is a 12-kilowatt motor peaking at 21 kilowatts, delivering a maximum torque of 135 Nm and a top speed of 77 km/h. With a reported range of 160 kilometers per charge, the vehicle remains within its urban domain.

Designed for single occupancy, access is facilitated through a single door, with control mechanisms depicted as moto-style handlebars in renders, though a steering wheel is listed in specifications, likely to be refined during the prototype phase.

While production plans remain undisclosed, the success of their previous collaboration suggests a potential future for the Zigy as a European L7e vehicle or Low-Speed Vehicle (LSV) in the US, offering a promising solution to urban mobility challenges.

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