In order to publicize and highlight a new kind of water purification system, a restaurant located in Kuurne, Belgium, has commenced serving its customers, free drinking water that is recycled from the sinks and toilets of the restaurants.

The water that is currently being served at the Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne is identical to any other potable water that you will find anywhere else as far as its smell, taste, and color go. However, there is one very important difference between this water and any other kind of water that you will drink; this particular water has been sourced from the toilets in the restaurant.

The restaurant relies on a complex purification system that is being touted as a five-step purification system. Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne has become capable of transforming its sewage into water that is so pure that it needs to be enriched with minerals before it is served to the customers of the restaurant.
The Belgian restaurant has no connection to the sewer system of the city. This meant that it had to come up with a close-circuit solution for solving its sewage problem. Thanks to this amazing water recycling system, the toilet and sink water is first treated using plant fertilizer, and then a part of it is mixed with collected rainwater and used for flushing of toilets. The rest of it is passed via a series of purification processes that renders it indistinguishable from tap water.

A representative of Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne said, ‘The water that results is too pure to be drinkable, so we add minerals to make it healthier.’ The restaurant supplies recycled toilet water to its customers in different forms, such as free drinking water, ice cubes, or coffee. It is also being used for brewing beer. The same water purification system is also being utilized for providing drinking water to communities that are isolated. However, the experience is unprecedented in Europe.