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This Rapper Says That Elon Musk Could Be A ‘Half-Chinese Genetic Hybrid’ Since He Is A Genius

"Elon Musk Is Half-Chinese," Says Kanye West After Twitter Suspension

The weird back-and-forth between Elon Musk and Kanye West has continued after Musk decided to suspend the rapper’s Twitter account on Monday.

In a recent Instagram post, Kanye claimed that Elon Musk is a clone and even cited former president Barack Obama.

“Am I the only one who thinks Elon could be half Chinese? Have you ever seen his pics as a child? Take a Chinese genius and mate them with a South African supermodel, and we have an Elon.”

He continued, “I say an Elon because they probably made 10 to 30 Elons, and he is the first genetic hybrid that stuck. Well, let’s not forget about Obama.”

Kanye added, “I’m sorry for using curse words in church, but I don’t have another word for Obama yet. YE24 Let’s Unify and find out LUAFO.”

Sharing the note, he captioned, “On Jay Zs birthday, Future president of the United States Ye uses Mark Zuckerberg’s platform to incite a mass investigation of Elon Musk’s childhood photos in the midst of Balenciagagate I call this The theory of everything Problem solved Praise God.”

Following West’s post going viral, Musk reacted on Twitter, saying, “I take that as a compliment!”

Kanye West has been suspended from Twitter for promoting violence, a breach of the microblogging site’s policies.

According to sources, the 45-year-old rapper’s Twitter account was suspended after he made a Hitler-like comment on Alex Jones’ “Infowars Show.”

Not only that, but he had previously tweeted some anti-semitic remarks, which caused him to be restricted on the microblogging platform. Previously, on October 8, Kanye’s Twitter handle was locked out in reaction to a tweet he shared.

On December 2, Twitter CEO Elon Musk confirmed Kanye’s suspension from the site. “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.” Musk tweeted in response to a user who asked for Kanye to be “fixed.”

The “Praise God” rapper took to Twitter to post a series of provocative posts, including some texts between himself and Musk.

In the deleted tweet, Kanye shared an image of Musk that appeared to be a Swastika with the Star of David.

“Just clarifying that his account is being suspended for incitement to violence, not an unflattering pic of me being hosed by Ari. Frankly, I found those pics to be helpful motivation to lose weight,” Elon Musk tweeted.

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