This New High-Speed Ambhibious Drone Can Hover, Fly And Dive

Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) have introduced an innovative hybrid aerial underwater vehicle (HAUV), the Nezha-SeaDart which can hover like a drone, fly like a plane, and dive underwater at high speeds.

The vehicle is named after the mythical Chinese deity Nezha, renowned for his strength and bravery. Unlike typical eVTOL aircraft, which take off and land vertically, the Nezha-SeaDart features a unique tail-sitting design that allows it to land and take off from both land and water. Its design enables it to dive into the water nose-first, much like a kingfisher, and then emerge to continue flight seamlessly.

While seaplanes and helicopters have demonstrated capabilities for landing on and taking off from water, the Nezha-SeaDart’s ability to submerge and operate underwater sets it apart. It draws a little inspiration from the 1950s US Navy prototype, the Covair Sea Dart, but incorporates modern technology with four propellers for aerial maneuvering and eight thrusters for underwater navigation.

The Nezha-SeaDart recently underwent a rigorous ten-day test in Zhejiang Province’s Thousand Islands Lake, showcasing its smooth transitions between land, sea, and air. Its delta-wing design provides ample lift for stable flight, and its maneuverability in water is enhanced by its thrusters.

This vehicle could have significant applications in marine research, search and rescue operations, and exploration. While there are other land, sea, and air vehicles, none offer the same level of autonomy and submersibility as the Nezha-SeaDart.

Earlier iterations of similar technology include the Nezha-IV, which demonstrated capabilities for aerial hovering, underwater operation, and extended range. The Nezha-SeaDart’s advanced features, however, place it at the cutting edge of amphibious vehicle design.

Source: Wiley Online Library

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