To optimize the concept of aerial flight, this U.S.-based one-passenger eVTOL multi-copter aircraft is an incredible scientific feat of its own. Christened “Recon”, the multi-copter aircraft has been manufactured by the company “Ryse Aerotech” and is primarily designed for use by farmers and ranchers in their day-to-day operations, meaning thereby it cannot be used for urban transport operations. One of the most interesting things about this multi-copter aircraft is that you don’t need any type of pilot’s license for it to fly, and this feature makes it even more appealing due to its accessibility.

According to Ryse Aerotech, “Recon will be a practical solution for farmers and ranchers to get around their large plots of land.” The craft will make the extensive areas of land more accessible to the farmers, which are hard to reach otherwise. Coupled with this, Recon has been designed with some high-tech features and has emerged to become a scientific mainstream. There is a decent chance that we will be seeing more of such breakthroughs in the future as well.

Coming to the specifications, Recon consists of a drone-style six-prop multi-copter that is powered by six motors. Along with this, only a single person can sit in the middle of the craft as there is only one seat deployed. One of the fascinating features is that the eVTOL is capable of making both water and land take-offs and landings. Due to this feature, no runways are required. On the other hand, this multi-copter aircraft is capable of carrying a weight of up to 200 lb (91 kg) and has a weight of 286 lb (130 kg).

Coupled with this, you can take a ride for a maximum of 25 minutes on this eVTOL as this is its charging capacity but it may differ with the prevailing weather conditions and the pilot’s weight. However, the battery system of the aircraft is cheap as you can replace or change it at any time without any hurdles. The aircraft can attain a maximum speed of 58 mph and can cruise at a speed of 40 mph. As far as the maximum altitude is concerned, it can fly at a height of about 700 ft (213 m) above ground level.
It should be kept in mind that low wind conditions might hamper the smooth operations of the eVTOL, so it’s better to not use it under such conditions. Moreover, this multicopter eVTOL can cost you about $150,000 and is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2023. So, what are you waiting for?