This New ‘Active Pillow’ Stops Snoring By Silently Adjusting Your Head

The next-generation anti-snore pillow, Hooti, is here to help. It can detect snoring and move your head without waking you up. This cutting-edge active pillow promises to transform your sleeping experience and provide a restful night’s sleep for you and those around you.

Snoring affects nearly half of all adults occasionally, with 25% being regular snorers. It can disturb anyone within earshot and significantly compromise sleep quality and overall health. The tech startup behind Hooti has developed an intelligent digital anti-snoring sleep product based on flexible high-sensitivity sensor technology. While it looks like a comfortable memory foam pillow, its layers house advanced technology that aims to change your sleep forever.

Hooti’s anti-snore mechanism uses bone conduction technology to collect real-time data on your sleep. This information is then fed from your smartphone to an airbag within the pillow, which gently inflates and changes shape, shifting your sleeping position to remove airway restrictions. The makers claim this data is more than 90% accurate, and two adjacent pillows can operate without interfering with each other’s readings. When the pillow detects snoring vibrations traveling through the bones to a sensor, the sound waves are analyzed by AI on a smartphone app. The app measures snoring patterns and intensity, then sends instructions back to the pillow. This triggers soft, micro-vibrations that prompt slight adjustments, ensuring clear airways without waking the sleeper. “The built-in detectors gather data on snoring vibrations, heart rate, and breathing patterns,” the creators explain. “The advanced AI processes this data in real time, making precise adjustments by activating the airbag system.”

Data is sent via Bluetooth, tracking snoring patterns, breathing rate, heart rate, and body movement to create a personalized anti-snoring system. This information is compiled daily, monthly, and yearly, with the app formulating a scientific and healthy sleep solution based on user data. For those interested in sleep statistics, this data is stored for review, highlighting factors that may affect restfulness.

The Hooti AI pillow, now available on Kickstarter for $199 (60% off the expected retail price), offers an impressive array of features. Shipping is estimated at $35 to the US, and the pillow comes with a power cable and a travel bag. Shipping is expected to begin in October.

If Hooti delivers on its promise to help you stop snoring without waking you up, it could significantly improve sleep quality for both the user and anyone sharing the room. A fascinating concept and a gadget worth trying!

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