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This Man Wore An Apple Vision Pro Throughout His 5-Hour Flight – And Here Is What Happened

Tech aficionados have mixed feelings about Apple’s Vision Pro headset since it was released, but one person’s experience using it on a plane provides an insight into how it can affect daily life.

An early user of the “spatial computer,” Amit Gupta, decided to test its capabilities throughout a five-hour flight in an attempt to effortlessly combine work and play. In a now-viral video, Gupta chronicled his journey and offered insights into what it was like to be “that guy” with a futuristic device strapped to his head. With a ‘giant monitor in front of him’ and a movie playing overhead, Gupta enjoyed the luxury of a private viewing experience without nosy onlookers. However, he highlighted the headset’s weight and discomfort, noting that it felt most tolerable when reclined.

Despite the initial novelty, Gupta encountered practical challenges, such as managing cables and accessories when his seatmate needed to move. Moreover, after a couple of hours, he experienced discomfort due to the headset’s pressure on his face and the heat it generated.

In terms of performance, Gupta praised the immersive experience but noted lag and lower resolution compared to his laptop screen. He also shared a wishlist for future iterations, including improved comfort, higher resolution, better battery life, and a more accessible price point.

The potential of Apple’s Vision Pro headset to transform personal entertainment and productivity is highlighted by Gupta’s first-hand testimony. It also emphasizes the necessity of improvement in order to address ergonomic issues and improve user experience.

While the tech industry continues to argue over wearing augmented reality gadgets, Gupta’s experience offers an insightful look at the practicalities of incorporating state-of-the-art technology into daily living. Time will tell if the Vision Pro becomes a commonplace accessory or stays a premium item for a select few.

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