The Tokyo-based startup Senshi S LLC gives the most eccentric service known as “Exit” which does one thing – helping people quit their job!
The service interesting has quite a clientele. Apparently, too many people are tired of their overbearing boss, their toxic colleague, long work hours or simply the same old monotony every day. The service takes the stress out of fed-up workers’ exit plans by taking care of everything. It handles job resignations on behalf of their clients for a fee. The company acts as a buffer between the employee who is resigning and the now-former company. After informing bosses that their employee will no longer work for them, Exit communicates basic requests on behalf of the employee.
It is amusing to note that Exit clients prefer paying between $350 to $450 to have someone else quit their job for them rather than doing it themselves. Exit’s founders themselves acknowledged their surprise at the number of people stressed by the idea of quitting their job.

The co-founder of the startup Yuichiro Okazaki told The Japan Times “There’s definitely demand out there. Personally, I’m perplexed as to why people find it hard to quit, but I do sense that this atmosphere is prevalent in Japan.”
The company has already mediated the resignations of around 800 clients all over Japan. The founders foresee growth in the number of their clients in the near future with the company set to become Exit.Inc soon.