This Japanese Company Is Planning To Build A Tower Into Space By 2050

Imagine a lengthy rope connecting Earth to space, allowing people to reach other planets at never-before-seen speeds and launch into orbit at a fraction of the current cost. This is the basic idea that underlies the space elevator.

Although the concept of space lifts has been known for a while, building one has only recently been an ambition. With the construction of a space elevator, the travel time to Mars may be slashed from six to eight months to as little as three or four months or possibly as little as forty days.

The Tokyo Skytree, the world’s highest tower, was built by the Japan-based Obayashi Corporation, which also declared in 2012 that it intended to create a space elevator. They suggested a $100 billion facility that could begin operations by 2050 and be completed by 2025. Construction is unlikely to start next year, according to Yoji Ishikawa of Obayashi’s future technology department, despite this ambitious timeframe. The company’s priorities include partnership development, promotion, research and development, and rough design.

Some have questioned whether such a structure is feasible. Christian Johnson, who wrote the Journal of Science Policy & Governance study on space elevators, said, “It’s been sort of a kooky idea.” He did admit, though, that competent scientists are working hard to make it happen.

It is simply too expensive to send individuals or objects into space using rockets because the rocket equation demands a lot of fuel to lift an object, which in turn requires even more fuel. According to Ishikawa’s analysis, a space elevator may cut the cost of transporting cargo to space to as little as $57 per pound by eliminating rockets and fuel requirements. At $1,227 per pound, even the more cost-effective SpaceX Falcon 9 is far more expensive than the highest projected costs for a space elevator.

Space lifts have advantages over and beyond their cost. They may use vehicles with no emissions and remove the possibility of rocket explosions. Obayashi’s climbers would experience less vibrations at their speed of 124 miles per hour, which would be advantageous for fragile equipment.

A primary task is Creating a tether or tube that can bear extreme tension. Conventional materials such as steel would need more resources than are available on Earth. According to Ishikawa’s analysis, carbon nanotubes are a possible material since they are stronger and lighter than steel. The longest nanotube created thus far is just around two feet long—a far cry from the 22,000 miles required to reach geosynchronous orbit.

The rope’s vulnerability to weather conditions, including lightning, tornadoes, monsoons, and hurricanes, presents additional difficulties. The optimum location for the rope’s base would be in the open ocean near the equator, where it would be less vulnerable to attacks and reduce these risks.

More than one company’s efforts are needed to overcome these obstacles. “We need partnerships,” Ishikawa emphasized. “We need different industries.” Funding is another crucial hurdle.

Despite the challenges, Obayashi Corporation is dedicated to the 2050 target, realizing the importance of technological advancement. “It’s not our goal or promise,” Ishikawa clarified, but the company continues to aim for that date. Johnson, however, remains cautious, stating, “I think those time estimates are optimistic, even assuming there was a breakthrough tomorrow.”

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