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This Is The World’s First Castle That Is Completely 3D Printed

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We speculated that 3D printing would be the next big thing and it seems we were right indeed. Today we shall talk about how 3D printing can be used to create a castle. Yes, an actual castle! 3D printing allows users to print complex shapes quite easily and therefore, a number of ideas can be pulled off. This led an American architect by the name of Andrey Rudenko to attempt the challenge of printing an entire house and he ended up building a castle along the way.Andrey Rudenko 3D Printed Castle2

The planning began about two years ago with the initial idea being the construction of a townhouse in order to prove that such printing could be executed. He ended up building a miniature castle as he gained experience. He said, “I have previously been sure I could print homes, but having finished the castle, I now have proof.”Andrey Rudenko 3D Printed Castle3

The project was completed in less than a month and the first castle of its kind was created. It is about two meters high and you can walk inside. The architect has been approached by a 3D Print website for explaining how he managed to pull off this feat and the kind of difficulties that he faced during his successful attempt.Andrey Rudenko 3D Printed Castle6

The architect shared that the biggest problem was the fact that cold climate made the concrete dry up early and clogged the printer. He aims for using a continuous printer to avoid faulty pieces when he starts working on his own house, which will be 3D printed as well. He said, “My biggest priority is ensuring that the upgraded printer will be ready for the new project. My goal will be to print 24 hours a day until the project is finished. I’m also planning to print the structure in one piece; printing the castle turrets by themselves was a bad idea as they were extremely difficult to lift and place. I am open to offers from individuals or companies interested in owning the first house of this type built with the newest 3D technology and ready to provide abundant funds to completely cover the project and all its expenses.”

We are sure you are as amazed as we are!


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